I always thought that counting "sleeps" was silly, however, even I find myself doing it lately. I've long been an advocate of calendar countdowns...where you have a date in the future as a goal, and, starting on that date, you write numbers backwards on the calendar back to the current day to see just how many days you have to wait until that "special day".
Brides are notorious for it, and I was no exception. Another great time to do it is when you are looking forward in anticipation to a much needed vacation, as I am now.
40-some days ago, I started the calendar countdown, but in the last week, I find myself actually counting sleeps...officially, it's four more as I write this and I'm looking forward with a mix of equal parts dread and anticipation.
Darryl and I are going west to visit my family - most of whom I haven't seen in 23 years since I last went out. It will be like meeting strangers for the first time in some cases - cousins who were just children are now grown with families of their own. It's difficult to wrap my head around it at times.
I'm coming to terms with leaving work for 12 days. After the spring I've had with working the hours I have, I need a break. I am getting worn out and burned out and just plain tired. I hope I've left things organized enough here for the girls that they will be ok while I am gone, but I still worry about unforseen problems that I didn't think of in advance.
So, four more sleeps until we are winging westward...I will be blogging during the entire trip and we are making lots of photographic stops, so check in often for updates!
- Paula
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