I'd like to say "I just don't get it", but the truth is, I do get it. All the fancy camera equipment in the world can't make up for bad timing, lousey reflexes, imperfect lighting and just plain inexperience.
Ansel Adams has been quoted as saying (and I'm paraphrasing here, because I'm just too lazy to look up the acutal quote) 12 good shots in a year is a great year for a photographer.
I guess I'm just getting disillusioned by the money that has gone out the door in the past 4 years on equipment (I've personally put at least 3 Henry's employees through college, including lodging, pizza and beer, I'm certain). I've learned A LOT from the two camera clubs I now belong to but I'm not a patient person, damn it!
My "grail" right now, is BIF, or Bird In Flight, to the uninitiated. I had the most amazing opportunity a few weeks ago, along with a group of other photographers, to shoot a wild red tailed hawk for nearly 2 HOURS (yes HOURS) less than 20' away (and yes, that's FEET) at times. I've seen some of the other photographers photos, and I don't know what the difference is, perhaps it's in the post-processing because I don't have photoshop, but I've yet to post any of my photos because they pale by comparison.
Today, I shot tree swallows, buffle head ducks, canada geese, red winged blackbirds, chickadees, cardinals, etc...I'm still downloading the photos, so check back to see if I post any...
- Paula