We arrived at the conservation area around 7:30am and were greeted by an empty parking lot. Great - the day was looking up! We could hear nature all around us. Quacking duck, honking geese, trilling red-winged blackbirds...there were almost endless photographic opportunities and not a wayward child in sight to ruin it!
Lets start with something simple...a bufflehead with the landing gear down...from the back...how exciting *yawn*.
Yes, I am joking.
Fleeing in the other direction, naturally. Would you believe there were more than a dozen deer in a field??
This is the best we got of them.
Of course, as always, we saw the usual suspects, sparrows, chickadees, red wing black birds...
As we're circling through a maze of streets in an industrial complex, I gasp "Kestrel!". Of course, Darryl didn't believe me...but sure enough, it landed in a tree not far off the road we were on and we both held our breath hoping against hope that it would stay put...and it did, if only for a few moments. Long enough to get off a dozen or so shots. Sadly, even with the 500mm lens, there was enough of a breeze and enough distance between us and it, that not one of the shots is crisp.
Oh, and did I mention this mornings festivities also included being questioned by 2 cops??
On the plus side, I got A LOT of exercise this morning, saw 3 different species of birds I haven't seen in the area before, found a new place to shoot from in an old favourite spot and bought myself a camo jacket so hopefully, next time I need to sneak up on a hawk or a kestrel, I can get close enough to get a decent shot!
- Paula